Keep doing it...

On Thursday, 19 August 2010 I went to CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) Office to listen to an evening talk. The topic of the talk was "Speed Reading".  I do not have any association with CIMA proffessionally. My proffessional association is with PMI (Project Management Institute).

So what in the world do I mingle with the accountants :)? People says that knowledge is everywhere it does have to be within your domain.  It can be outside of your domain. 

What did I learned from this evening talk?  The speaker, shared for two hours the techniques for speed reading which is skills that is not gain within the session but it need discipline and consistent practice to get the skill of speed reading. 
The other lesson learned from this evening talk was, in what ever we do regarding new skills, we'll go into this processes;
  • Learning and understanding.
  • Forming stage.
  • Performing stage.
Learning and understanding is quite straight forward. It is where you'll be expose to the definition, techniques and examples.  This first stage is more toward preparing you with the awareness and understanding. 

Once you got the awareness and understanding, you are pretty much on your own. This stage is called forming stage. It is were you start experiencing with the techniques, learning best practise, make mistake and learn from it.  This stage is the most challenging part. This is were most people stop the effort probably due to they reach their breaking point, efforts which does not achieve their expectation and frustation with all the effort that goes to the drain. For me, the effort will be worth if we continue with it. It is like learning how to ride a bicycle. You fall down and frustrated because you cannot properly ride the bicycle. However, after a while after consistently try and try and finally able to properly ride the bicycle. 

The same goes with new skills. You try and try and fail and make mistake .. until one day .. the skill becomes natural and you're very comfortable with the new skill.

Once you reach this level, you'll reach the next level which is the performing stage.  Performing stage is where you're comfortable with the skill. The skill is no longer new to you. And at this stage you start improvising your skill and start doing lots of magnificent technique which sometimes comes from your ownself.

So the lesson learn from this talk was.  No matter what do you do ... don't stop doing it ... failure and mistake is normal...keep doing it .... get support and going deep into the learning until the skill becomes part of you. One day ... it becomes so natural that you can just do it with your eye close.

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