Review on Father and Son : Homemade Spacecraft

Source : JunkBlogger
I landed on an article titled “Father and Son Launched Their Homemade Spacecraft into Space” yesterday.  The father, Luke Geissbuhler made a homemade video to capture these historic father and son activity which I believe going to make some impact to readers around the world.  I’ve seen this article has been shared several time in my Facebook wall and I’m not surprised if they hit the news in next few week or even days.

There’s some values that I can shared from this entry by Hedy in, which is the father and son relationship.  I would say Max will remember this for the rest of his life. He can proudly say “My father and me did this”. 

Other than the values captured here, another lesson that we can learn together is that, some people see space project requires a complex and a very high comprehension and detail on the subject.  This two gentlemen prove it wrong, all you need are an IPhone, Weather balloon and a video camera to make it happen. Simple thought which make things happen.

I’ve also came across some criticism on what are the benefits of space exploration? Despite all the argument to defense the initiative, I would like to add this example as another reason on the benefits of space exploration.  This example shows some direct benefits to the family. It brings father and son together.

Kudos to Luke and Max Geissbuhler, for able to think out of the box and at the same time making things simple.

To follow the story click on the blog link below or the video link I place it here.

Click Here to go to  JunkBlogger page
Source: JunkBlogger

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