Writing Again

In 2013, no post been uploaded. Too occupied with projects until I realized this year, you need time for yourself even for 15-30 minutes a day.

This morning, I cross check the web and smiled.  The In Person branding had evolve to my wife through her blog linainperson.blogspot.com, my eldest daugther through her blog kamaliainpersonii.blogspot.com and the second daughter, with her blog khalisainperson.blogspot.com.

Interestingly is my daugthers blog.  Enjoy reading the minds on 12 years old and 13 years old kids. And they are too obsessed with K-Pop. Hmm... rhythm of the new generation probably.

In my years, while at their age, the rhythm of the generation was Boy George, Lionel Ricthie, Micheal Jackson... hmmm imagine how time pass so fast.

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